vCloud Director

Removing user-management for a vCloud Organization Administrator

In a default vCloud Director deployment Organization Administrators can manage users for their own organization. This however means that they can import users from LDAP and also create local users. This might not be something you want to allow. Organization Administrators that create local users might forget to delete local users when they leave the organization and that might allow for unauthorized access to the Organization's cloud.

Install vCloud Director (using the appliance)

In this article I have described how to get started with vCloud Director by using the VCD appliance. A regular installation would require setup of RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS as supported OS and other components such as an Oracle or MS SQL database server. These resources are not available to everyone so therefor setting up your first vCloud deployment is much easier by using the appliance. It works perfectly for getting to know vCloud Director and for proof-of-concepts.

The prerequisites for this article are: