vCenter Operations Manager

Configure vCenter privileges for access to vCenter Operations Manager

After deployment of vCenter Operations Manager there are two users in the system that have access to the entire environment. These are the built-in admin-user of vCops and any user that is assigned to the Administrator role in vCenter. In the image below you can see that there are two privileges assigned in the Administrator role that allow anyone assigned a permission with this role to access vCenter Operations Manager as an administrative user.

How to reset vCenter Operations Manager Configuration to the default settings

It is possible to reset your vCenter Operations Manager configuration to the default settings. This applies to the default policy but also to any other policies that you may have created in your environment. Open the Configuration panel, click the Default Policy or any other policy you would like reset. Next in the Clone from field select Original Defaults and click Ok to save the settings. All configuration settings for that policy are now reset to the default vCops settings.

Extending the size of a vCenter Operations Manager data disk

vCenter Operations Manager is an application that consists of two virtual machines in a vApp-container, the UI-VM and the Analytics-VM. (There is also an installable version of vCops that you can install on Windows or Linux, but this article is only for the Appliance-based installation). When one of these two virtual machines starts to run out of disk space then it's very simple to increase the size of the data disk.