
Configure your vCenter appliance for Active Directory Single Sign-On

After deploying the vCenter Linux Appliance with a default and embedded Single Sign-On configuration you can login to vCenter with two user accounts: root and Administrator@vsphere.local. If you have Active Directory in your environment you might want to add that to your vCenter-server as an identity source for Single Sign-On.

Import a vCenter Server Linux Appliance with the vSphere Web Client

When you need to import a vCenter Linux-based appliance there are two clients that you can use to perform this task. Your best choice is the vSphere Web Client but that will only be available if you already have vCenter running. So that will only be possible for a second or more vCenter server. When you need to import your first vCenter appliance the client you must use is the vSphere Client on Windows. (How to do that is explained here.)