Free Bits

There are many free tools and utilities available on the internet that allow you to configure and manage your VMware environment. This page is not a full listing but it helps you getting started with finding the tools and utilities that might be useful for your environment.

VMware Fusion and Workstation are Now Free for All Users

Starting November 11, 2024 both desktop hypervisor products VMware Workstation and VMware Fusion will be available for free to everyone—commercial, educational, and personal users alike. Read more about this here.

Flings by VMware Labs

The engineers at VMware work on tons of pet projects in their spare time, and are always looking to get feedback on their projects (or “flings”). Why flings? A fling is a short-term thing, not a serious relationship but a fun one. Likewise, the tools that are offered at the VMware Labs web site are intended to be played with and explored. None of them are guaranteed to become part of any future VMware product offering and there is no support for them. They are, however, totally free for you to download and play around with them!

Flings at Broadcom Communities



RVTools is a windows .NET application which uses the VMware vSphere Management SDK 7.0 and CIS REST API to display information about your virtual environments. Interacting with vCenter and ESXi RVTools is able to list information about VMs, CPU, Memory, Disks, Partitions, Network, Floppy drives, CD drives, Snapshots, VMware tools, Resource pools, ESX hosts, HBAs, Nics, Switches, Ports, Distributed Switches, Distributed Ports, Service consoles, VM Kernels, Datastores and health checks. (RVTools homepage)


SexiGraf is on open source appliance that integrates with vSphere to collect performance metrics and produce graphs to analyze the data.

(SexiGraf homepage)

CPU Host Info

This utility will allow you to read the CPU information from your ESX Servers by querying your vCenter server. It will show all features available for your CPUs and if they are compatible to vMotion virtual machines and if Fault Tolerance is supported. (download from
Or use this great PowerShell script that also displays all CPU-features that are supported on your hosts:

CPU Host Info Utility