The Case of the Missing Orchestrator Extension (and how it was solved)

After a default installation of vCenter on Windows you automatically have access to vCenter Orchestrator. So when I performed an install it was great that I could start using that tool right away. The only problem I ran into was that the Orchestrator server was not registered as a vCenter Extension, or so it seemed. So I could login with the Orchestrator Client but I could not run workflows from the vSphere Web Client, which is a great feature. I had followed the instructions in the documentation but when I logged in to the vSphere Web Client there were no Orchestrator servers registered and I also could not register a new server, as you can see in the image below.

vCenter Orchestrator Extension missing

So I returned to the Orchestrator Client to use the Configuration Workflow to register the Orchestrator server as a vCenter Extension thinking that it might not have been registered during installation. But when I ran that workflow it returned an error message A specified parameter was not correct. Next I ran the workflow to list the registered extensions and to my surprise I did find my server listed as a registered extension. 

Orchestrator server listed as extension

So what was the problem? Permissions.

When installing vCenter on Windows the Domain Admins group is added to the vCenter permissions so you can start using vCenter right away with you domain admin account. But the SSO administration part is managed by Administrator@vsphere.local. And so is the vCenter Orchestrator part. As you can see in the next image that user is the only administrator in the VCOAdministrators group.

vco administrators group

The solution is simple: make your user account or group a member of that VCOAdministrators group and you will have access to the vCenter Orchestrator extension.

vco admin group assigned

Problem solved:

vCenter Orchestrator registered extension