For many NSX components you can easily configure a syslog server, such as vRealize Log Insight. This however is not simple and straightforward for the NSX Controller Nodes. For those components this setting has to be configured via the NSX API via HTTP REST. In this article I explain how to use vRealize Orchestrator to accomplish this task.
The syntax and procedure are described in two locations:
With the release of vSphere 6.5 VMware has introduced a new method for creating a backup of the vCenter Appliance. This method is available from the vCenter Appliance web management interface on port 5480 (https://applianceaddress:5480). In this article I will explain how to create a backup and what the restore procedure is.
With the release of vSphere 6.5 VMware has introduced a new method for creating a backup of the vCenter Appliance. This method is available from the vCenter Appliance web management interface on port 5480 (https://applianceaddress:5480).
Tip: Starting with vSphere 6.7 scheduling functionality has been added as a native feature in the appliance, eliminating the need for this workflow. It still applies to vSphere 6.5.
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