Why DRS Should Run Rules are better than anti-affinity rules in small clusters

The Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) allows vSphere Administrators to use rules to enforce virtual machine placement on cluster nodes. An example of such a rule is in the image below with a rule to reparate two domain controllers so that they won't run on the same vSphere host.

DRS Anti Affinity Rule

Configure Permissions for vRealize Orchestrator with AD

vRealize Orchestrator allows you to configure permissions for users in your authentication domain to access your vRO deployment with different types of access. While you might want administrators to access your workflows from the vSphere Web Client sometimes there will still be users that need access with the vRO client. One example is a group of developers that you only want to allow access to one or just a few folders in your vRO environment.

VCAP6 Deployment Exam Interface Tips & Tricks

Are you planning to take one of the four available VMware Certified Advanced Professional Deployment Exams? Then I suggest that you access the following web page and familiarize yourself with how the exam interface works. This prevents you from losing precious time during the exam. Dave Davis has done a very good job demonstrating how the interface works.

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